Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Partners in Crime

Oh what a day, Olivia and Owen ( my two O's) are truely partners in crime. All seemed to be going well today. I was working dilgentely on my research paper for English class when I realized that the house was very quiet. To quiet, the kind of quiet that makes all mom's go Oh NO. I looked towards the back of the house and heard Olivia say "we better fix this, or mommy is going to be really mad" I opened up the door to her bedroom and found that the toddler tornado has struck the Joyner house once again. When asked what was going on Olivia relplied" Mommy, Owen wanted to make a mess so I helped" I closed her door, had a good laugh, saved my research, shut down the laptop and started the never-ending cycle on toy clean up. I have been told by other mommies that these day will soon come to a end. To enjoy every minute of the day with your toddlers because one day this to will pass.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Getting Ready for Bed

Oh I remember the days that we just went to bed, We had no special routine to follow we would just kiss each other, say our prayers and go to sleep knowing that our alarm clocks would beckon us to the new day. Oh how times have changed, now we chase our beautiful 2year old twins(Ian & Owen) around our living room trying to put clean diapers on them along with Pj's. Helping Olivia pick out her Pj's for the night. For some reason she can not wear the same ones two nights in a row (Future Diva?) Trying to get every one's teeth brushed, finding the parade of stuffed animals that they have to have, trying to get all of them to say bedtime prayers and not fight at the same time. Turning on night lights, reading their bedtime story and making sure all of them have had their last drink of water. Steve and I look at each other exchange sighs and continue on with our night. Finishing laundry, putting away toys, trying to watch the last part of the news, saying night prayers with each other and getting my to do list done for the next day. As I look back to our lives before our children, I remember how mundane our life was. My children our a true blessing from God. After years of struggling with infertility we were blessed with 3 miracles in just 2 years. So now when Steve or I say it's time for bed, we look at our blessing and know that we are truly blessed in so many ways. and the best part is all of the kisses and hugs, that is the best part of this job.


About Me

I am living my dream of being a wife and mommy to three miracles, Olivia(3) and twins, Ian and Owen(2). I am madly in love with my wonderful husband of 7 years Steve. I am truly blessed by the Lord.